Windows Installation instructions
Our COMSOL package in Company Portal/Olin Software desktop shortcut, has everything conveniently configured for you. If you would like to install COMSOL and you don't have Company Portal, please follow the below instructions(s).
- Download the install files from our Sharepoint here.
- Right-click on install.cmd and run as Administrator.
- Everything should be configured automatically.
Please note that when you wish to run this application you must use the shortcut for, COMSOL Multiphysics 6.0 (Classkit License)
Macintosh Installation Instructions
- Go→Connect to Server…
- Enter Smb://
- Workgroup or Domain:
- Name:
Your network username
- Password:
Your network password
- Public → netapps → COMSOL → latest version folder → COMSOL Installer
- Select your Language of choice
- New COMSOL <version> Installation
- Accept the license agreement
- License format: <port number>@<hostname>
- Press Check to ensure your computer can communicate with the license server
- Fill in your name and Company (Olin College of Engineering)
- Press Next
- Press Next on the Platforms screen
- Unselect License Manager at the Products screen, press Next
- Make any changes you desire at the Options screen, we recommend having it check for updates
- Press Install on the Install screen