Graduating Student Information

Tags Access

Class of 2024 Dates

For students graduating in May 2024, the following dates are important:

  • Friday, May 10, 2024: Commencement!
  • Friday, May 31, 2024: addresses added for graduated students
  • Monday, July 1, 2024: Network, VPN, and licensed software access expires. 
  • Mid-July, 2024: Dell laptop warranty expires.

Olin Accounts

  • Enroll your network account at [[|]] as you will continue to be responsible for managing this account for access to the Olin portal [[]]
  • Network permissions, VPN, and access to all cloud based applications, such as Microsoft and Adobe will remain active for approximately six weeks after graduation. Specific dates will be sent out in a graduating student email. At that time, all of these accounts and permissions will become inaccessible.
  • All students who will be taking additional classes, working on completing necessary coursework for graduation requirements, or working for Olin in some capacity over the summer, must have their manager or professor contact us prior to this time if you will require access to resources beyond that date.

Email Accounts

All graduated students will have an email address added to their account approximately 3 weeks after graduation when the Registrar's Office finalizes the graduating class. Once created, this will become your primary email address. You will continue to have full access to all emails sent to your address as well as your address.

What this means to you

  • Your student mailbox will become your alumni mailbox so you will retain full access to past emails as well as the ability to send new emails from ****  
  • You can continue to manage your Olin alumni email through the Office 365 portal  Log in with your and current password.  If you would prefer to forward your alumni account to a personal address,  use the search feature on the portal for forwarding help.   If your current student email account is forwarding, this forwarding will continue with your alumni account.
  • You will be issued a new alumni address of ****
  • You will retain your current email address of ****
  • You will continue to log into the Office 365 portal with your current log on of ****


  •  Your Microsoft OneDrive storage will continue uninterrupted as an alum.
  •  You should backup and remove all other files and folders from **all** network resources. This includes your personal network storage space, Public, Sandbox, Adobe Creative Cloud storage, and any group folders.   
  •     * All graduating student data, including personal folders, web folders,  etc. will be purged from network resources approximately eight weeks after graduation.  
  •     * If you are listed as the owner of a mailman list you must transfer ownership to a student who will be returning to Olin in the fall.

:!: Once purged, data will no longer be available or recoverable.


    * Your Dell laptop's warranty and complete care policy will expire mid-July.
    * If you will be in the general area, we can continue to service your laptop until the warranty expires, otherwise, you may [[:off_campus_dell_support|contact Dell directly]] to have an onsite service technician dispatched for service.
    * We recommend that you backup all data from your laptop, and perform a full reset to the Windows 10 factory image. [[grad_student_laptops|Click here for Windows 10 factory reset instructions.]]


All students separating from the college are responsible for deleting/removing all institutionally owned software from their laptops upon departure.

You are no longer licensed to use any Olin owned/licensed software including:

  • Olin site licensed software such as Matlab and Solidworks
  • Crowdstrike Endpoint Protection - you should have a personal copy of antivirus software
  • All programs that are licensed for the cloud from Microsoft and Adobe which will stop functioning as the licensing will be expired. Be sure to move any cloud files to a more accessible location

 Adobe does offer instructions on migrating your data to a personal account:  

If you have questions or require any assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk by email at [[|]] or by telephone at 781‐292‐2430 for support.

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