Adding Olin Email to your iPhone/iPad/iOS Device


If you need to reset your Olin email on your phone due to login problems, you may need

to first Remove Olin Email from your iPhone/iPad/iOS Device (link will be added).

  • On your phone's home screen, select: Settings > Mail > Accounts

  • Select Add Account

  • With the new iOS update, you will likely have to wait an hour for Security Delay

  • Select Microsoft Exchange






  • Type in your Olin login account (, along with a description for the account, and

  • then select Next (Do not use an email address in the format


  • When asked to Configure Manually or Sign In, select Sign In.






  • When the Olin Single Sign-On (SSO) page appears, type in your password, then press blue the Sign in button.







  • Depending on your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) configuration, you may be prompted to enter a code from your authenticator app, or you may receive a text message with a code, or your Microsoft Authenticator app may prompt you to approve the login. Use the appropriate multi-factor authentication method that you have configured.





  • If your login is successful, you will be prompted to select/de-select the items that you wish to use on your phone (Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Notes). If necessary, turn on or off any items as you wish. Then press Save.

  • Now you're done! Your email and calendar should start syncing to your phone momentarily.



Article ID: 11271
Fri 8/23/24 2:09 PM
Mon 8/26/24 8:55 PM