Setup your Email Client for Olin Email

  1. Launch Outlook Application

  2. Sign in with Olin Credentials

  3. Set up Two-Factor Authentication

General Outgoing Email Configuration

If you are sending Olin email using a tool other than Microsoft Outlook or the Office 365 web interface, you will need to configure the “outgoing mail server” or “outgoing SMTP server” to use the Olin Office 365 configuration. These enhanced security requirements help to reduce the volume of spam flowing through email systems.

Though the exact fields may be different in your email program, these are the general settings that are required:

  • Outgoing SMTP server:

  • Outgoing SMTP port: 587 (do not use 25 or 465)

  • Use encryption: TLS

  • SMTP server login: use your Olin UPN, such as

  • SMTP server password: use your Olin account password

Using or for this configuration is no longer supported, and may stop working at any point.

NOTE: Once you finish configuring an Olin email using a tool other than Microsoft Outlook, email HelpDesk( IT needs to change an additional setting for two-factor authentication to work.



  1. Create a new account.

  2. Type in your namee-mail address, and password.

    • Thunderbird will attempt to auto-detect some settings (you can stop this).

    • Make sure the Incoming mail account is set to IMAP (vs. POP),

  3. Select Manual setup… and use the information from the IMAP Settings section below.

Address Book and Calendar

To set up your address book or calendar, you will need to install a couple add-ons. Go to Tools→ Add-onsExtensions tab. Take note if there is an add-on named Lightning under Manage Your Extensions, you will need this later. Search for tbsync. In the new window click + Add to Thunderbird to the right of the option TbSync. Thunderbird will download the add-on, then ask if you want to install it; click Install. Search for exchange activesync and follow the same instructions to install Provider for Exchange ActiveSync. If Lightning is not already installed, search for lightning and follow the same instructions and install it.

*If you don't see the top bar that contains Tools, hit Alt.

To set up your Outlook account through TbSync, go to either Tools → Add-on Options → TbSync or Tools → Synchronization Settings (TbSync). At the bottom of the window go to Account actions → Add new account → Exchange ActiveSync, go to Custom Configuration, then fill out the requested fields:

  • Account name: Outlook

  • User name (email address): Your UPN in the form of

  • Password: Your Olin network password

  • Server address:

Click Add account. In the Synchronization status tab, check to Enable and synchronize this account. This will bring up a list of what you can sync – check Contacts, and check whatever calendars you want to access. At the bottom of the window, click Synchronize now. Wait for the status next to each option you checked to read OK, then close the window and restart Thunderbird.

IMAP Settings

POP/SMTP configuration:
  • As of the August 2015 Exchange migration. POP is no longer a supported protocol. We suggest that you use the IMAP configuration listed below.

IMAP/SMTP configuration:
  • Note that this requires enabling SSL for both IMAP and SMTP (referred to as IMAPS and SMTPS) and requires different port numbers

    • Incoming server:

      • Type : IMAP

      • Server name:

      • Port: 993

      • Username: Olin UPN (e.g.

      • Connection Security: SSL/TLS

      • Authentication Method: OAuth2

    • Outgoing server:

      • Type :SMTP

      • Server name:

      • Port: 587 (use TLS encryption)

      • Username: Olin UPN (e.g.

      • Connection Security: STARTTLS

      • Authentication Method: OAuth2

    • If necessary, click Advanced

      • Select “use incoming mail settings” for authentication settings

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