End of Semester Reminders

Network Accounts and Passwords

Network passwords expire every 180 days. If you haven't done so recently, we strongly recommend that everyone change their network password before leaving campus (only while connected to the network). This will ensure that it doesn't expire while you're away and create password mismatch issues between your cached credentials on your laptop and the actual network password.

VPN (Remote Access to Campus Networks/Resources)

All students are eligible for a VPN account to access network resources securely from off campus. Please verify that your VPN client and account are working properly before leaving campus (this can be tested from on campus). If you don't have an account, have forgotten your password or discover that your password has expired, please contact the IT Help Desk for assistance. You should use the VPN only when and while you need to access Olin resources, otherwise you should disconnect.


Email quotas remain in effect all year long. It is important that you remember to keep up with your Olin email account while away for the summer

There are a number of ways to access email securely from off campus, as identified below. If you require assistance, please contact the IT Help Desk.

Your Computer's Name and Workgroup/Domain Name

:!: Do not change your computer name or remove it from the OLIN.EDU domain.

Users attempting to connect to any non Olin computer system which requires membership in a different workgroup or domain should not change their computer name or domain. Changing the computer name or domain on your laptop will lock you out of your cached milkyway\olin.edu profile which contains all of your customized settings and applications including your Outlook profile. Be advised that the IT Help Desk will be unable to rejoin your laptop to the domain remotely; therefore this cannot be corrected until you return to campus.

To access non Olin domain systems from an Olin domain computer, follow these instructions.

Additionally, please be sure to verify that you can login to your local account on your laptop. Everyone should have a local computer account with administrative privileges with which you can access your system in the event that something happens to your cached domain account. To login to your local account (which you should have done at least once already) use the same username as your domain account and its corresponding password, but change the entry in the Log on to: box such that it has your computer name followed by (this computer). If you don't have an account or have forgotten the password, contact the IT Help Desk for assistance prior to leaving campus.

Computer Repair Needs

If you should find that your laptop is in need of repairs while away from campus, you may contact Dell directly for assistance. All student laptops are covered by Dell's Complete Care onsite Warranty. Dell will send out a technician to your location and make any necessary hardware repairs (they will not repair software issues). The information for contacting Dell is located on the IT wiki under the General section in this article. The Dell contact instructions are included for students both in and outside of the United States.Information Technology

As always, please reference the IT web site for answers/solutions to any questions, issues or concerns you may have. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please contact the IT Help Desk either via email or by phone. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you again in the fall.

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