Student Technology Guide

Contacting IT

The preferred method of contacting Information Technology for technical support is by sending an email to Information Technology can also be contacted by telephone between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM at ext 2430. this can be accessed from off campus be dialing 781.292.2430. Walk up service is now temporarily by appointment only in Milas Hall Ste LL10.

After Hours

Email and voice mail messages are monitored after hours for emergencies only.

Logging onto the Olin Network

  1. Power on your laptop or desktop

  2. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete

  3. Log-in Information

    • User Name: first initial and last name. There could be a number suffix depending on previous use of your username

    • Password:

    • Domain:

  • All passwords must be minimum 8 characters in length, include 3 out of 4 of the following: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers or special characters.



Every student is issued an email address and mailbox matching their Olin UPN or login credentials.


Various email distribution groups exist to help you connect with various groups on campus. You can find a complete list of these email groups in the Global Address book which is accessible from your address book in Outlook. Please note that you can only send to these groups from a valid and logged into Olin email account. A few of the most widely used

  • faculty and staff

  • all staff members

  • all faculty members

  • all students

  • all students in class of 2024.5

  • all students in class of 2025

  • all students in class of 2026

  • all students in class of 2027

  • all students in class of 2028

Off-Campus Email Access

Enter your network credentials using the following example

UPN which is:


  • Username: “”

  • Password

For other email related inquiries, see here.

For further information on cloud storage and Office 365 see: here

For password related inquiries, see here.

Mailing Lists

Public mailings lists are available at You can subscribe to lists or set up your own list by filling out the request form.

File Shares

\\fsvs01\Public This is an area open to faculty, staff and students for storing Olin related data.
\\fsvs01\Sandbox This space is meant for very short-term storage. There is a finite limit to storage and anything older than 30 days is purged daily. You may share files with anyone here or use as a temp repository.
\\fsvs01\Groups Space shared by members of different departmental groups

VPN software is available to access files from off campus. This software can be found on your Olin laptop by going to the START button on lower left of computer and entering Pulse in the search box. Once the login screen appears, use your network credentials to login.

Further information on VPN at Olin can be found here


Adding a Network Printer on Windows

  • From the taskbar select the Start Button then Printers and Scanners

  • Select Add a Printer from the top of the window

    • Select your printer from the list

      • Check label on printer for appropriate printer name

    • All printers on campus follow this established naming convention.

  • A list of all campus printers can be found here

  • If the printer you want is not listed select The printer that I want isn’t listed

  • Enter in the printer name you wish to add in the format \\printvs02\printername and select next

  • Select Finish

Other Printing Needs

For any other printing inquiries, including printer locations and off domain printing, see the printing page.


A list of classrooms and conference rooms with built in capability can be found here. For any other AV inquires, see here.

Portal is our portal and works as a college wide resource for access to many of our sites and information. The Olin portal contains links and hand outs from financial services, human resources, campus directory information, calendaring information and many other necessary information on our campus. Just sign onto the portal using your Olin network credentials, network username and password. You will find user friendly information about helpful tools posted on the portal, and requests for additional information or access can be sent to

Further information on the Olin portal can be found here.

Room Scheduling

Use Outlook to schedule a room.

Go on your calendar, select new event, put down your information (time, event name, etc.), then select “Search for a room or location”. Select “Browse with Room Finder”. Under “Building” search for the building in which the room you would like to book is in, then look for your room in the list that comes up. If it is unavailable, try using the Scheduling Assistant to find a time the room is available, or consider booking a different room.

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